Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL), Pune, since its incorporation in 2001, are working in the field of imparting IT Skills. We are handing more than 8000+ Center from Urban, Semi-urban, Rural and Tribal areas to impart IT Skills through an in house developed state of the art Learning Management System and Online Examination Management System. We have experience of Skilling more than 1.5 Cr learners through this platform.
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited
From past few years we are associated with THREE State Skill Development Missions. Based on the intelligence we are having since our inception and the requirement gathering interactions with Skill Development Missions, Department involved in Skilling, NSDC and MSDE, we started building a new framework called Skill Development Mission Management System (SDMMS) which is managing all businesses for any Skill Development Mission. The SDMMS system developed and implemented from 2017-18 in Skill Development Mission of Bihar, Assam and Haryana. During the implementation phase we have interacted with Departments which are involved in Skilling at state level and TPs/TCs to understand their expectations from SDMMS. With the experience of executing the system since 2017-18, we improved our system in such a way that users of the system will get maximum output at lessor efforts, Departments will get all required information on fingertips and the same time transparency, robustness and quality is ensured for Skill Development Mission.

Our team had numerous calls with NSDC and their technical team while development and implementation of SDMMS for all above said Skill Development Missions. We are the first company to integrate NSDCs all APIs of SDMS with our homegrown system SDMMS. NSDC appreciated our efforts and acknowledged the strength of our system. Now we have also integrated with NSDC’s new SDMS portal NexGen SDMS.

The system also supports Android Mobile App to keep monitoring of Skilling in Centers.

We have many range of products like T-Camera, LerniCo, Remote Assessment, Learning Assistant, Clicker App which enables Skill Development Missions to impart Skilling effectively.

We are offering SDMMS to interested Skill Development Missions at no licensing cost, for more details please book your demo today!

Challenges of Skill Development at State Level:

  1. Limited (and unevenly dispersed) Capacity of Vocational Training Institutions
  2. Indifferent Quality of Vocational Training leading to poor employability
  3. Monitoring of training challenges
  4. Data Insufficiency
  5. Lack of Integration of skill development efforts of various departments
  6. Societal Acceptance of Vocational Training
  7. Employer-Educator-Trainee Linkages either absent or weak
  8. Managing various Central and State Government schemes

Our Objectives

Facilitating Skill Development Missions to monitor all Central and State-sponsored skilling schemes which may have involvement of multiple state departments on a single platform, called as Skill Development Mission Management System(SDMMS), which is…

  • Scalable, that can adapt to support an increasing amount of data or a growing number of users
  • Secured, the systems and its resources remain safe in its environment even during the malicious attacks
  • Integrated all APIs of NSDC portal
  • Integrated with Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)
  • Following all guidelines led by NSDC and MSDE for effective implementation of skilling programs at available resources in their respective states, skill the youths on various domains, as per their interest, and provide continued employment in nearby area or overseas.